Interview with Korean immigrants to Germany Vincenzo Culture and HistoryInformationInterview January 7, 2015
Korean braised chicken – Jjimdak 찜닭 Vincenzo Recipes April 23, 2017 0Braised chicken with vegetables in soy sauce – Jjimdak 찜닭 – is a dish originated from the city of Andong...
Bossam – boiled pork wraps with radish cabbage salad Vincenzo Recipes December 18, 2016 0Bossam (보쌈) is a boiled pork dish served usually with radish cabbage salad (musaengchae – 무생채) and wrapped in cabbage leaves....
Bokkeumbap 볶음밥 – fried rice with vegetables Vincenzo home foodMeatRecipesRice February 14, 2016 0Bokkeumbap 볶음밥 – stir fried rice with vegetables, is a simple dish that is often prepared at home for a quick...
Bulgogi 불고기 – marinated beef with vegetables Vincenzo MeatRecipesTraditional Food January 3, 2016 0A Korean food classic, bulgogi is a delicious marinated beef dishes that is usually cooked on the grill or stir-fried on...
Dwaejigogi bokkeum – Stir fried pork with spicy sauce and vegetables Vincenzo MeatRecipes July 19, 2015 0 Today we will cook a delicious stir fried pork dish called Dwaejigogi-bokkeum or jeyuk-bokkeum (돼지고기볶음 or 제육볶음), with a spicy-sweet sauce and...
Boiled pork with cabbage – Bossam (보쌈) Vincenzo MeatRecipes October 15, 2013 0 A couple of weeks ago we were invited by KOCIS (Korean culture and information center) to attend a cooking workshop...