Seolleongtang – 설렁탕 (Ox bone soup)

Hi all,

Today dish is Seolleongtang (설렁탕).  This ox bone soup is one of the staples of Korea food and it’s common for families to cook a big amount of it that will be consumed for several days ahead.

We were joined for lunch by our friend 현선, and she was so kind to suggest a nice restaurant in Hongdae were they serve a great Seolleongtang.

The broth of this soup is made by boiling the beef meat and the bones for many hours (around 3-4 hours) till the broth becomes milky and the meat and bones are tender. Also the bone marrow is cooked.

The ingredients add to soup are black pepper, green onion, salt and sesame oil so it is in fact a quite simple dish. The taste though is thick and full, thanks to the long boiling of the bone marrow.

This dish comes with a few side dishes: commonly just steamed rice and kimchi but sometimes also kkakduki (radish kimchi).

Stay tuned for the next dish!